Wednesday Thursday
Thursday (cont) Friday
Saturday Sunday
The beer
fridge in the car on the way down
Walshy's face when
he saw the T shirts, little did we know how apt they were
Realising that Jez's pump was set to deflate after taking alot of the air out
that I had already put in
Being interviewed by Channel 4
Sitting on the tailgate in Jez's Range Rover coming back from the supermarket
holding onto the beer chest and beer
Prawns on the BBQ
Spewey shouting abuse at everyone.
Spewey being silent after the Spewey Ride
Go Karts
the lighting of the campfire
Owen's Gayzebo
Steak and Chips at the Tetra Rouge pub
A real shower in Rouen
Mark asking the barman in Rouen for chatup lines and being
told to say
" je appel Mark, au revoir."
Retrieving my Camcorder - thanks J-P and Pascal
coming out of Macdonalds to find some french person had writen the football
score on the back of the car,
also realising that Andy had not only left the drivers window open, but the keys
in the ignition too...and ALL our stuff in the car